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Cats are really beautiful,

Cats are really beautiful, you know. I mean I couldn't live without them. My cats that I have are very supportive of me and my carreer choice (unlike my mother). I am a grown man and I can be a fish whisperer if I want to. I have always had this..this passion for handling fish. I can pretty much speak fish. They respond to me as if I am their leader.I can like summon fish. And my cats are cool with it, unlike my mother who believes it is not a successful occupation. I have now about 13 cats.. Sherwood, Elvis, Yoda, Charles, Hank, Darla, Ken, Wiggles, Buttermuffin, Chad, Mickey, Krystile, and Equality. I am fond of all of their names, but when I saw the name Greywinkle, it reminded me of my favorite game ZELDA: Attack on Zorman. It's like, the best game ever created. The graphics are so sweet they give me cavities! Anyways, there is like this super awesome babe named Grey..and like, she winks at the hero in the game. GREY. WINKLE. So. AWESOME. So, yeah, that's why I like your cat's name. CHeck out my new show Gone Fishin on Animal PLanet.. Well, you know, when the jerk people who run the station say yes to it. Ciao! *Wink*

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