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Orange Cat Names

What most of the general public would call an "orange" cat, true cat fanciers use the term "red" for the color.

There are also different kinds of orange (red) cats that can be found. A "red tabby" has orange stripes on a cream ground color. The orange stripes may be dark reddish orange, or light "marmalade" orange.


Interestingly enough there is not a "truly solid orange" cat because the tabby pattern is not totally suppressed in orange cats, so you might see indistinct "shadow" tabby markings if you search for them in the right light. Also, some people think that color orange is gender specific to males, but that is not true.

But which ever type of orange cat you have, you still need a name that fits your boy or girl kitty - right?! Well, as you read and view the list on this page, you will find more than 100 richly colorful pet names for orange cats. Whether your loving feline friend is a beautiful solid or a stunning multicolored, all the names found here are as full of personality and character as most orange cats are - Meow!


List of Cat Names For Orange Cats

User Submitted Orange Cat Names

First Cat in My Life 12.23.2017 For the cat name Buffy Buffy was my first cat ever. We adopted him as a kitten and he was with us for almost 19 years. He was a great cat! More about Buffy
Ptotao the cat 08.17.2017 For the cat name Potato my cat used to looks like potato with his spots and light color More about Potato
My sisters Doll 03.25.2017 For the cat name Ms.Kitty My sister has a doll and its name is kitty kitty meow meow so I thought Ms.Kitty would be a good name for a cat. More about Ms.Kitty
we are getting a little ginger boy in a couple of weeks 03.03.2017 For the cat name Fergus we wanted a name that wasn't common but not so unusual and easy to prounce More about Fergus
Quita Keeta 01.21.2017 For the cat name Keeta We once had a customer come to our place called Quita, but we had no idea how to pronounce it. We figured that it sounded like this, so we named our cat after how we thought we should spell it, Keeta. More about Keeta
Little Mango Tango 01.15.2017 For the cat name Mango Tango The Mango is a darker orange than Tango oranges. More about Mango Tango
My kitty Tiger Lillie 10.25.2016 For the cat name Tiger Lillie I was thinking about nature names for my cat and came up with Tiger Lillie. More about Tiger Lillie
BREE 10.11.2016 For the cat name Bree its a cute name for a cat because it is purrfect.and it is a very cute name for a female and kittens. More about Bree