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The one and only Cha Mau !

She's a small cat with big blue eyes, so it had to be a name that fit. Chaska Nawi is American Indian for "Big Beautiful Eyes". My daughter calls any cat she talks to "Mau" (rhymns with cow) without realizing that Mau is Egyptian for cat. Combining Chaska and Mau we ended up with the nick name Cha Mau or Cha Mau Mau. I'm pretty sure she's the only Cha Mau !
When we found her she appeared to have a missing rib, was breathing hard and wouldn't eat. The vet found five broken ribs, a missing tooth, displaced diaphragm with two holes in it where 80% of her abdominal cavity had pushed through into her chest cavity and intestines were turning back through the second hole.
He suspected she had been kicked and said we could either put her down or he could do surgery but she was so damaged she might not make it through surgery. Five days later we picked her up and the vet said she was a miracle kitty on her 11th life. She had a long incision and had to stay in a crate for eight long weeks. She has a few lumpy spots were bones were wired together as best they could be, but she doesn't mind. She's now a happy playful loving cat who loves to chase her toys and sleep on laps.

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