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Aaja I once worked for a lady


I once worked for a lady who's daughter's name was Aja and I really liked the name since it was one I hadn't heard of before. I thought it was so very pretty, just like her. The name stayed in my head for a few years until one day I adopted an absolutely gorgeous Seal Point Siamese who i then named Aaja.

I know that the Aja are a group of people native to south-western Benin and south-eastern Togo. Remember that Wikipedia is a great site that offers information on many names. Try searching this name there.
Other than what I have written I don't really have any other information for you concerning the history of this unique name but I did want to share this with you.

NOTE: Dear Aaja, may you rest in peace forever. You are greatly missed. Aaja Mae April 12, 2004 - April 2, 2011.

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