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Top Cat Names

This page of the site lists the top 10 and the top 40 names for boy and girl cats as chosen by people, specifically cat lovers, in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. 

So they are easy to find, the names are listed by most popular, not alphabetically, and as you read and search, you'll notice that many listed for male cats could be used for females and visa versa. The good thing too is that the names are perfect for, and will fit, all breeds of cats, and any kind of personality.


Interestingly enough, traditional names, and recent names from favorite movie and TV cats, pets, and kittens continue to make the yearly top list which means some of them are quite common, but others are refreshingly different and unique.

It is also interesting to note, that many of the top cat names on the lists are human names. Often a kitty that is called by a "'human-type" name tends to have a special relationship with its owner, who often regards their furry feline as their best friend, or surrogate child. Any animal, but especially a cat recently saved through adoption, or in need special care or company, can also have a special meaning for their owners.

Note: For more information & suggestions for "popular" names for cats that have stood the test of time, go to  Popular Cat Names.


Lists of Top Names For Cats

Top 40 Cat Names For Girls - (by popularity)
  1. Sassy
  2. Misty
  3. Missy
  4. Princess
  5. Samatha
  6. Kitty
  7. Puss
  8. Fluffy
  9. Molly
  10. Daisy
  11. Ginger
  12. Midnight
  13. Precious
  14. Maggie
  15. Lucy
  16. Cleo
  17. Whiskers
  18. Chloe
  19. Sophie
  20. Lily
  21. Coco
  22. Boo
  23. Callie
  24. Sadie
  25. Jessie
  26. Jasmine
  27. Nala
  28. Snowball
  29. Angel
  30. Muffin
  31. Pumpkin
  32. Pepper
  33. Baby
  34. Zoe
  35. Peaches
  36. Holly
  37. Dusty
  38. Katie
  39. Sasha
  40. Scooter
Top 40 Cat Names For Boys - (by popularity)
  1. Max
  2. Sam
  3. Tigger
  4. Tiger
  5. Sooty
  6. Smokey
  7. Lucky
  8. Patch
  9. Simba
  10. Smudge
  11. Oreo
  12. Milo
  13. Oscar
  14. Oliver
  15. Buddy
  16. Boots
  17. Harley
  18. Gizmo
  19. Charlie
  20. Toby
  21. Jake
  22. Sebastian
  23. Puffy
  24. Bailey
  25. Buster
  26. Tom
  27. Rocky
  28. Jack
  29. Felix
  30. Spike
  31. Simon
  32. Taz
  33. Rusty
  34. Merlin
  35. Monty
  36. Dusty
  37. Casper
  38. Mittens
  39. Pepper
  40. Blackie
Top 10 Cat Names For Boys - (by popularity)
  1. Bandit
  2. Blackie
  3. Charlie
  4. Felix
  5. Fritz
  6. Jingles
  7. Morris
  8. Rebel
  9. Scout
  10. Tom
Top 10 Cat Names For Girls - (by popularity)
  1. Goldie
  2. Isis
  3. Kitty
  4. Lisa
  5. Mimi
  6. Missy
  7. Pussy
  8. Sheba
  9. Suzy
  10. Tabby