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We don't have any history, definition or meaning data for the cat name "Turbo" yet! Please help out by adding what you know about "Turbo" using the comment section below:

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I recently just rescued a

I recently just rescued a black kitten from the SPCA. When we met the little kitten we thought it was a boy. We opened the cage and right away she jumped into my boyfriends arms and started purring and cuddling. We knew she was the one. Over the next week we were thinking of male cat names, Turbo seemed suitable because upon our visit she didn't stop purring and her head was constatnly looking around. We just picked her up yesterday which was when they let us know the kiitten was misgenered and it was a girl! We were going to think of a girl name but as soon as we brought her home, off she went. So much eneregy and constantly purring very loudly! I have never seen anything like it and I have always had a cat growing up. Once she is done running around she jumps right up to me and falls asleep in my arms with her perfect purr. We love her already and I can't wait to spoil her everyday!

My kitty Turbo was named that

My kitty Turbo was named that because his motor was always running! I never had a cat that could purr for over an hour straight. He was a very happy cat and was very sweet and aggressively affectionate. Turbo showed up on my doorstep one evening, crying with a sound like a human baby. When I opened the door, this little orange fuzzball ran into my house. "Hey wait a minute! You don't live here!", I yelled. I picked him up and he was filthy and completely infested with fleas. Up to the bathtub we went and it took three flea shampoos before the dead fleas stopped rinsing off of him. I dried him off, showed him where the food and water were and went back to watching TV. When he was done eating, he jumped up on my chest, turned around a couple of times, settled in and started to purr so loudly I was amazed a little kitten like that could make so much noise! "I guess you're mine now, huh?", I said. I had Turbo for 19 wonderful years. He was my best buddy and loved to drape himself around my neck if I was sitting at my desk and would sleep with me and let me hug him like a stuffed animal, purring all the while. He was the sweetest cat I've ever known and I miss him every day...

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