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Spay or Neuter Your Cat

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Spaying and neutering are truly life-extending surgeries for any pet and are really a gift to your cat and yourself. Not only are you free of the worry of having kittens, for whom you must find a home, but your cat will be healthier and safer after the surgery.


Benefits of Spaying Female Cats 

Spaying a female cat eliminates the possibility of three fatal conditions:

  • Mammary cancer
  • Ovarian or uterine cancer
  • Pyometritis, which is a fatal infection of the uterus

These are avoided because spaying a cat involves removing ovaries and uterus in an operation performed under a general anesthesia.

When to Spay and Details

A female kitten can generally be spayed at about 5 to 6 months of age, although an older cat will also benefit from this surgery, as will her owner.

Typically your cat will remain at your veterinarian's clinic overnight and return home the next day to resume a normal life. 

Usually there will be single call back, to be sure stitches have dissolved or are ready to be removed, depending upon which type of suture was used.

Benefits of Neutering Male Cats 

Neutering a male also has many positive results.

  1. He will be less likely to fight and less likely to roam, if left outside
  2. There will be no possibility of testicular cancer or mammary cancer
  3. He will be less likely to "spray," as he will be less territorial

When to Neuter and Details

A male kitten can generally be spayed at about 5 to 6 months of age, although an older cat will also benefit from this surgery, as will his owner.

Because neutering is a much easier and faster surgery your cat, depending upon your veterinarian's office, can be home within a few hours of surgery, or some time that same day. 

There is no need for an overnight stay unless some other more serious condition is found and will be worked on while the cat is under anesthesia.

Other Benefits Of Spaying and Neutering

Another big reason to spay and neuter is the desirability of decreasing the feral and stray cat population, which leads to so much misery for the cats. 

Animal shelters have to euthanize thousands of kittens, cats, and pets every year which can easily be avoided by spaying or neutering.

Also, it is estimated that a single cat, which can breed as early as 6 months, and all her offspring, can, in 7 years, produce 420,000 cats (According to the Atlanta Animal Alliance). No one wants to contribute to that problem. 

Get Reduced Fee or Free Surgeries

Animal shelters, both private and public, often have certificates and a list of veterinarians who will perform this surgery for less than the usual charge, so check around, because this is so important for the health and well being of your cat, and it will certainly increase your carefree enjoyment of your pet.
