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We don't have any history, definition or meaning data for the cat name "Suki" yet! Please help out by adding what you know about "Suki" using the comment section below:

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I just named my cat "Sookie,"

I just named my cat "Sookie," the Americanized version of "Suki." Suki means "happy" in Thai and "beloved" in Japanese, two qualities that are very fitting for my little girl! She was a stray that was spotted hanging around my workplace and while she was skittish about being approached, she was extremely lovey and friendly once she let you pet her. I was worried about bringing her home, not sure how long she'd been a stray and if she'd take to being indoors, but she made herself right at home. She loves to run and play, so I really liked the playfulness of the name "Sookie."

Hi, I named my female cat

Hi, I named my female cat Suki after finding out that the word is referenced in fighting terminology and means "defenseless". My cat, who I adopted out of a shelter, has had her front claws removed by the previous owner, hence a very appropriate name. Note from Webster's on-line dictionary: "Suki, a term in Aikido and Kendo for being vulnerable to attack or having flawed technique." The word has several other meanings, one of which is: "Suki, Japanese for the verb form of "like". Also from the online Webster dictionary. I guess that would also be appropriate.

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