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The story of Tiger <!--break-->

Cat's Name: 

One day i was walking outside when a strange sound came from the wall behind my house suddenly a orange, tabby, cat jumped out.i stroked it and it began to get very tame with me.

My mum let it inside for a couple of minuites but the minuites turned into half an hour.We hardly new anything about cats, but we did'nt need to it had already jumped up onto the island eating my mum's Tuna Pasta!

The very next day it came back again we took it to the vets and made sure it was'nt anyone's we decided to call it Tiger for it looked like one and when we let it outside it looked like it was hunting in our long grass.

Tiger is still with us now he's asleep on our compfy chair in the living room... eating Tuna Pasta!!:)

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