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Our Sobe

Cat's Name: 

we "adopted" (rescued) our sobe from a farm house when she was 6 weeks old. Of the litter of 4 she was the runt and looked a little sickly. But from the first second she latched on to us and snuggled and nuzzled her way into our hearts... hmmmmm. 3 days after having her at home her true colors started shining thru!! Temperamental! Passive-aggressively demanding! A bit of a bully! As I sat there trying to figure this kitten out I took a drink of my Sobe tea and under the cap the quote said "I'M Kind Of A Big Deal"... :) LOL. Purrrfect! Our Sobe. Needless to say she learned her name quickly and it just fits! I have heard that dogs have masters and cats have staff and it couldn't ring more true for our Sobe. However, she is her own, unique, independent girl with a strong personality. she definitely knows what she wants, how and when! And she will always be a part of our hearts.

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