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The story of Silver's Terrible Names

Cat's Name: 

My kitten's name is Silver. We named him Silver because his eyes are a very light shade of blue and in certain light,
it looks a precious colour of silver. When we bought him,the previous owner "said" his name was Prince but it seemed like it wasn't his name because he wasn't responding.When we were thinking of keeping it Prince, most of the family members went against it. It took us a while and the poor kitty went through a LOT(and I mean A LOT) of bad names. In the (near) end, we wrote down a couple of GOOD names on pieces of paper and had the oldest person pick one out. It seemed as if his name was going to be Snow, but that reminded us of our adorable late cat, Snow. So again, poor Silver went through TERRIBLE names (Like Anarkala) but we were finally able to decide on Silver (Basically, it was the ONLY name we could all agree on).

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