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Orangey - Captain Montgomery Cheddar

His full official name is Captain Montgomery Cheddar but he comes when you call Orangeeeeyy or Monteeeyyy. He has the sweetest face and the craziest affectionate yet devil may care personality. We got him to socialize and be a companion to a monster bottle fed Manx. We picked Orangey up from the aspca where they were calling him cheeto. The manx is named Doctor Giblet aka "Doc" after Doctor Who and the giblet cause I like that word. We thought Orangey could use a better name than Cheeto but it took a while to come up with his official name so in the meantime we called him Orangey - and he seemed to like it. On the official name - Montgomery Cheddar Cheese is some of the yummiest (like him) cheese you will ever encounter. The captain portion of his name is in keeping with Doc's honoric.

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