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Black King

I had a cat called Killa and then my sisters pedigree cat had an affair with a ginger tom. I said I would take the black kitten - but what to call him? I decided on BK which stood for Baby Killa.

The name has come to stand for many things now. BK loves killing and eating rabbits, so Brave Kat, Bloody Killer. I have trained him to take his rabbits to the bathroom. As he's going to bring them inside anyway, the floor of the bathroom is much easier to clean the blood off than the carpet!

The name can also be interpreted as Black King (he's really handsome) Black Kat, Big Kat, Big King. There are many ways his name can be interpreted.

He also enjoys visiting the neighbours during the summer when they have a barbeques. He has lots of steak and chicken nibbles. When the neighbours have been fishing, he's invited over to eat fish scaps.

Other recommended cat name stories:

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